
Archive for the ‘Security’ Category

How To Lock Your Mac’s Screen When Away

September 28, 2009 Leave a comment

If you want to block others from having access to your computer when you are away, you can simply hit Shift-Command-Option-Q to logout of your user. There are downsides to this – all of your open applications will quit. If you put your computer to sleep instead, running applications will stop and resume when the Mac wakes up. MacLoc is an alternative, allowing you to logout while still running applications.

MacLoc is a very simple application to use,  requiring just a few clicks to get working. When downloaded there are two MacLoc apps – One is the regular, dock based application and the other is MacLoc ME, the menubar-based icon. To activate MacLoc ME, simply click the menubar icon and select ‘Activate’.

Macloc ME.png

After clicking on one of the MacLoc icons, you will logout. Your open applications will be right where you left them when you login. MacLoc is the perfect solution for busy environments, preventing others from using your Mac.

– Alexander Garovi

Categories: How-Tos, Reviews, Security